Strawberries Tuiles — Tuiles de fraises

Cone ≠ Icecream

You do not need to think ice cream if I say cone. As a matter of fact, why not call the cone (le cornet) a tuile (a tile) because in reality, this is really what it is.

Were you really curious to know what I had decided to make with the pistachios I chopped a while ago as seen on the picture on that post? That is really a long time ago. So I had to do it again. And did you remember that I was a strawberry girl and could not help but cook and make dishes that favour strawberries? I hope you are as prepared as I am because I feel I am on a real strawberry kick. It is pretty simple: more strawberries recipes are coming your way, many more as a matter of fact!

What did I make?

Giant tuiles

Do you know them? Let’s have a look.

Les tuiles

Are typical French biscuits. Thin, crisp, sweet biscuits made of a mixture of egg whites with flour and butter, and often chopped almonds (hence the most common ones are Almond tuiles – des tuiles aux amandes). And where does the fun happen? In the molding. Because unlike many of the most common cookies, you are the one shaping them while they are still soft (just when you remove them from the oven). It is almost as if for a minute, you became a glass blower or a potter. So why the name tuile you wonder? Because the shape given to them is of une tuile (a roof tile), at least the ones used for French houses. Italian tegolino and Spanish teja are the same thing.

And so, in order to make your tuiles, you need to prepare a little form to shape them on, or use a rolling pin or glass. My form was made of cardboard, which I covered with foil.

Who said that cooking was not requiring building skills?

Strawberries Tuiles

(for 4 to 6 people)

You need:

For the tuiles:

  • 5 Tbsp soft butter
  • 3/4 cup flour
  • 3 egg whites
  • 2 oz unsalted green pistachios
  • 1 cup confectioner sugar

For the fillings:

  • 7 oz mascarpone cheese
  • Juice of 1 lime
  • Zest of 1 lime
  • 3 egg whites
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • OR

  • 1 cup cold heavy cream
  • A dash of vanilla essence
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • AND

  • 1 cup strawberries


  • To make the tuiles, first start by preparing the form you will use to shape your tuile. You can decide to use a rolling pin. I made a small cone out of carboard and I covered it with foil paper.
  • Then preheat your oven at 420 F (210 C).
  • Chop the pistachios coarsely.
  • Mix together the butter, then add the sugar until you have a creamy texture.
  • Add the egg whites, one by one, then the flour.
  • Place the dough in small rounds of about 4 inches diameter (use a cooking cutter to make it smooth and flat), on a silicone sheet or a greased baking tray. Leave space between them as they will expand a bit while cooking.
  • Sprinkle the chopped pistachios on top.
  • Place in the oven for about 10 mns or so (check regularly). The cookie is cooked when it is a little golden. Do not leave longer though as you want to keep them soft so that you can shape them easily.
  • Take out of the oven and place them on the form, cone or rolling pin for 2 mns, until they get harder. You can use them right away, or keep them in an air-tight container for a few days, until ready to use.
  • For the fillings, depending which one you choose:

    Lime Mascarpone:

  • Mix together the mascarpone cheese with the lime juice and zest.
  • Add most of the sugar minus 1 tbsp and mix well.
  • Beat your egg whites firm. Just before they are fully firm, add the tbsp sugar.
  • Mix with the mascarpone preparation, making sure you will not break the egg whites.


  • Beat the cream in chantilly (both the bowl and the cream have to be cold). Use an electric mixer.
  • Add a few drop of vanilla essence and the sugar just before it is fully firm.
  • Slice the strawberries and add some to the chantilly or lime cream.
  • Place in the tuiles using a decoration bag and decorate with more strawberries.
  • Eat without waiting! Which one did I prefer? The chantilly one! (also less work, let’s admit it!)

    Strawberries are such a nice spring fruit. I am not yet overdosing on them, so I hope you won’t either.

    Le coin français
    Tuiles de fraises

    (Pour 4 à 6 personnes)

    Ingrédients :

    Pour les tuiles:

    • 70 g beurre mou
    • 100 g farine
    • 3 blancs d’oeuf
    • 50 g pistaches vertes non salées
    • 100 g sucre glace

    Pour la crème:

    • 200 g mascarpone
    • Jus d’1 citron vert
    • Zeste d’1 citron vert
    • 3 blancs d’oeuf
    • 100 g sucre
    • OU

    • 30 cl crème liquide froide
    • 50 g sucre vanillé
    • ET

    • 1 barquette de fraises

    Étapes :

    • Pour faire les tuiles, vous devez d’abord fabriquer un petit cône que vous utiliserez afin de donner une forme à vos tuiles. Vous pouvez utiliser un rouleau à patisserie, ou un bout de carton souple auquel vous donnerez la forme d’un cône. Recouvrez-le alors de papier aluminium.
    • Préchauffez votre four à 210 C.
    • Hâchez les pistaches grossièrement.
    • Mélangez bien le beurre mou et ajoutez-y le sucre. Mélangez jusqu’à l’obtention d’une pommade.
    • Ajoutez les blancs d’oeuf, un à un, puis la farine.
    • Etalez la pâte sur une tôle bien graissée, sous forme de cercles de 10 cm de diamètre (ou sur une feuille cigare). Espacez-les car la pâte s’étale à la cuisson.
    • Saupoudrez de pistaches concassées.
    • Placez au four pendant plus ou moins 10 mns (vérifiez regulièrement). Les tuiles sont cuites lorsqu’elles ont une belle couleur dorée. Sortez-les du four et tout de suite, mettez-les sur le rouleau à patisserie ou votre cône pour leur donner la forme choisie (pendant 2 mns).
    • Vous pouvez les utiliser tout de suite ou les garder dans une boîte métallique pendant quelques jours.
    • Pour la crème, selon votre choix :

      Crème mascarpone au citron vert :

    • Mélangez la mascarpone avec le jus du citron vert et son zeste.
    • Ajoutez tout le sucre (moins 1 càs) et mélangez.
    • Battez les blancs d’oeuf en neige ferme et juste avant qu’ils ne soient complètement fermes, ajoutez la càs de sucre.
    • Mélangez à la crème mascarpone en faisant attention de ne pas casser les blancs d’oeuf en mélangeant (utilisez une maryse). Décrivez des mouvements circulaires.

    Chantilly :

    • Battez la crème froide en chantilly (le bol et la crème liquide doivent être tous les deux froids). Utilisez un batteur électrique.
    • Ajoutez le sucre vanillé progressivement, avant que la chantilly ne soit complètement ferme.
  • Coupez les fraises en tranches et ajoutez-les à la chantilly ou la crème mascarpone citron vert.
  • Fourrez les tuiles avec la chantilly ou la crème à l’aide d’une poche à douille, et décorez avec davantage de fraises.
  • Ma préférence? La crème chantilly! Moins de travail, il faut l’admettre. Vive le mois de mai, le printemps et ses fraises, non ?

    Posted in Cakes, Dessert, French Inspired, Fruit


    1. Ooooooooooooh! I have the shivers just looking at that picture. J’aime les tuiles … I love them and I love how you used the pistachios with them. The mascarpone in the cream if the final touch. Beautifully done!

    2. Bea,
      Those look absolutely fantastic. Best ice cream cone ever! I am going to have to e-mail you about how you get such great shots!

    3. Bea, those tuiles look wonderful, and just the thought of lime mascarpone has me drooling.

      Why won’t summer get here already?

    4. bea je viens d’acheter des pistaches non salées je tombe sur tes tuiles et je tombe par terre il me faut ça tout de suite….. bravissimo

    5. Stunning as usual! Do you ever have any disasters when you are creating your delightful posts?

    6. Ca ressemble dans l’esprit aux canolli Sicilien, le craquant de la tuile en plus. Bravo pour les recettes bilingues, quel boulot!

    7. I’m leaving for work in a few minutes but I had to come back for one more look … have a great day!

    8. As tentalizing as ever!
      Béa, I have to tell you I dreamed I “was you” yesterday. I’m embarrassed to tell you and amused by the dream.
      J’ai rêvé que je faisais de la cuisine très ensoleillée, présentée exactement dans ton style.
      In my dream, my husband asked me what was happening to my cooking ; I answered “C’est à cause de Béa”.
      Mon subconscient gourmand est marqué par ton blog.

    9. Tuiles+mascarpone+fraises ? Tu lis dans mes pensées (mes envies plutôt) ou quoi?Sans compter les pistaches… très très jolie idée, vraiment!

    10. These look fantastic! And it’s such a great flexible recipe — you can fill them with all kinds of great stuff.

    11. Bea! i am so excited to see this post, as i have been planning to make tuiles for my upcoming birthday (do i seem to recall you are may baby also?) and now i know i can be successful!

      beautiful, as always.

    12. Je viens de voir que la “wishlist” s’est transformée en “currently reading”… Petite veinarde, tu me diras s’ils sont bien tous ces livres !

    13. Hello, I admire the quality of your photos, how prolific you are and how tasty your recipes seem! One question about this one: I suppose you have to make many cones, as you cannot afford to shape one tuile at a time?

    14. Gorgeous colours and I’m sure great tasting too! I can just imagine the look of sheer delight anyone invited to share in these would have!

    15. Béa these look spectacular! And lime mascarpone with strawberries…mmm. How fast did these disappear?

    16. Hi all, thanks so much for all of your comments! Merci beaucoup pour tous vos gentils commentaires.

      In answer to your questions (en réponse à vos questions),
      Ivonne, you are cute and funny. I would not want to make you late for work! 😉

      Anita, not a problem, email me!

      L, Bron, Deborah, Rowena, thanks a lot. Agree, tuiles are fun. My next thing is to try cannoli!

      Rob, thank you. No spring yet in Toronto?

      Astrid, ca tombe bien effectivement!

      Anaik, ahahh, tu es drôle! Cela dit, je ne le ferais peut-être pas autant rire que toi!

      Debbie, yes I have disasters. As a matter of fact, I made a cake for a friend on Sat and it fell on the floor!grgrgrgr

      Barbichounette, merci!

      Fabienne, Papilles merci!

      Gastrochick, thanks!

      Gracianne, tu as raison et je veux faire des cannoli maintenant!

      Anne, oui il est là, enfin!

      Zoubida, this is SO funny! You make me crack up! ahaha. Si drôle! What were you cooking? 😉

      Thalie, merci!

      Mercotte, quel 4 heures dis donc! 😉

      Liza, oui c’est vrai, je peux me douter que tu aurais aimé cela! D’ailleurs tiens les livres oui ahah, comme tu vois, je n’ai pas resisté à la trop forte tentation. Je suis coquine, non? Je te tiens au courant!

      Marie et Audrey, 😉 merci! La recette est pour envrion 6 tuiles, suivant l’épaisseur de tes tuiles

      Helen, yes indeed, you are right, you can let your imagination flow!

      Iamchanelle, ah yes nice, I remember, like me! What is your day?
      I look forward to hearing how they come out!

      Merci Framboise, non non pas trop de talent, juste joueuse!

      Danielle, ah yes this is open to many ideas, isn’t it?

      Astrid, thanks very much for your nice note. ANd yes you have to make either more cones or use a rolling pin or even a broom (yes yes) covered with foil. Isn’t cooking inventive ?;-)

      Pille and Hinata, thanks a lot!

      Cath, they disappeared pretty quickly 😉 With chantilly even more to be honest, although for the longest time it was not my fav!

    17. Je n’ai aucune idée de ce que je cuisinai Béa, je sais seulement que c’était “Béa’s style” et que c’était innondé de soleil. 🙂

    18. i tried piping mine onto the baking sheet, and it came out a little too thick, but they still tasted wonderful! i choose to make the mascarpone filling and was definitely not sorry! i crushed some strawberries with a fork before folding into the filling. i molded my tuiles into bowls. incredibly yummy, and pretty, and the filling was even better the next day after a night in the fridge. thank you for the beautiful dessert!

    19. Krysten, this is great, I am glad you enjoyed them!!!

      Zoubida, ahahh, c’est marrant!

      Thanks Catherine 😉

      Menus propos, tant mieux, j’en suis contente!

    20. Pingback: La tartine gourmande » Blog Archive » Cône et sorbet aux fruits - Cone and its Fruit Sorbet

    21. Sometimes, even words cannot describe what you do each time you post something new. I luv desserts, and what I discovered on your blog goes beyond one’s imagination ! Creativity at its best. Toujours